Top 5 bold jewelry picks that won’t disappoint you this end of summer

For a woman, jewelry is the thing that makes their eyes glitter. Some even say that jewelry is their most prized possession. These blingy, glamorous and eye-catching accessories are valued at high prices and the markets are flooded with different kinds of jewelry. You can walk into any jewelry shop and you will be overwhelmed by the number of choices you have.

This brings us to probably the biggest struggles women face when it comes to jewelry, which one do they wear? 

Women often see a lot of things before deciding on a particular piece of jewelry. They take into consideration the event, their attire, the venue, the weather and so on. So it obviously makes things very hard for them. But then there are some things that they can look at to make their decisions easier. Jewelry trends often help women in making quick decisions regarding their bling. 

So let’s discuss the end of summer jewelry trends and see what kind of jewelry pieces are making it to the top.

Simple Gold

Gold is probably the most valued and used material when it comes to making high-end jewelry. Apart from that gold has some other qualities which also make it a top pick for women in the summers. 

The delicate golden glow of gold is perfect for the summer. The color goes with a  lot of dresses and especially the black ones. 

From rings to chains, to earrings, gold is probably the number one choice for many women. It can also be paired up well with other types of jewelry. Gold is usually used as a base for all other types of accessories you want to carry off.

It is also not just about the color or the texture. Gold is an expensive and rare metal and thus is quite costly. It is therefore shown off as a status symbol by a lot of people. 

It really does not matter whether it is the end of summer or the start. Neither does it matter whether you are wearing it in the day or at night. Gold will always make you look gorgeous and will add that extra bit of panache that you want from jewelry.

Multi-color trend

It’s a bit surprising but there’s a new trend picking up during the summer season and it's all about an extreme amalgamation of the bright colors. Yes, you heard that right. People are actually pairing up the most vibrant and colorful pieces of jewelry together. These rainbow-looking accessories are not just for a casual party but people are wearing these almost everywhere they go. 

It is almost like the masses got fed up with pairing 1 or 2 colors and went with taking on the whole bus. People describe this trend to bring a smile to their faces and give out a cheerful vibe. It plays more on natural beauty rather than depending on jewelry to make you look outstanding from the crowd. 

It definitely is the time of the millennials and it is showing in the proud and confident choices of their colorful jewelry options.


Pearls have been known as a classic status symbol. Their usage in jewelry has been there for ages even though the designs have been forever changing. In the earlier times and even until the recent past, pearls were mostly the choice of the elder generation of women but that is changing fast.

According to fashion experts at Cate and chloe, summer saw many younger women sporting pearl necklaces with utmost panache and the trend is still showing an upward graph. Pearls are perfect for nighttime wear but no one said you can’t wear them out in the summer sun. Pearls can be very easily paired up with a lot of formal and informal dresses. They look good indoors as well as outdoors. 

The rising trend in pearl jewelry is definitely taking shape and will not die down anytime soon.

Custom Jewelry

If we can mold jewelry into any shape then why not mold it into our zodiac sign or our birth date? What is stopping us from wearing earrings that spell out our name or simply our initials? Why can’t we have necklaces that spell out some generic words like ‘rebel’ or ‘angel’?

Well, the trend for custom jewelry is here and is simply overwhelming thanks to the influence of Instagram and Twitter. 

Getting custom jewelry pieces made is not new but this was never a proper trend. People did not wear such jewelry to proper parties and dinners. All of that is happening now and the people are simply loving it. They are using all sorts of material to mold such pieces and they are being sold on social media platforms in thousands. Summers have seen an upward graph in the sale of such pieces and it is expected to keep on rising.

Big is the new classy

You must have noticed those huge danglers on Rihanna or the oversized ring on Katy Perry. Well, they didn’t forget to choose the right size in fact the trend is drifting towards huge pieces of jewelry. 

Pairing the large pieces with summer dresses and other clothes have shown some very good results. No wonder that the younger generation has been ordering large earrings and other pieces from online stores in large quantities. It is fun to shuffle between the different sizes and various colors and thus this trend will be there to stay.

Jewelry is something that will never go out of fashion and neither will some trends that go with it. Women take jewelry very seriously and simply can not do without it. It is as important to them as wearing shoes or clothes. The trends for jewelry keep changing with different seasons and when going from summer to fall there is some slight change too. This article shows the trends that are there and these will be the ones that transition from summer to fall.

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